A Chat With Digital Gru, Victor Adewole, Explores The Realm of Digital Marketing

One thing about being a digital marketer is that you need to have the capability to adapt to multiple layers. The role of a digital marketer is many-sided.
Victor Adewole is a tech professional with a primary background in digital marketing technology. Victor Adewole is a tech professional with a primary background in digital marketing technology.
Victor Adewole is a tech professional with a primary background in digital marketing technology.

Digital marketing has transformed the way companies engage with their target audiences by harnessing the internet’s reach to connect with consumers worldwide. Unlike marketing techniques, digital marketing involves a variety of strategies and tools aimed at interacting with customers across online platforms. From search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing to social media campaigns and email promotions digital marketing offers a data-focused approach to promoting products and services. The ability to analyze consumer behavior in time enables businesses to deliver experiences leading to increased engagement and conversion rates.

At the core of this field are digital marketers, skilled professionals who develop and implement these strategies. They leverage data to guide their decisions continuously testing and refining their methods for results. Additionally, they combine creativity with knowledge by utilizing tools such as Google Analytics, SEO software, and social media management platforms to boost brand visibility and audience engagement.

We caught up with one digital guru, Victor Adewole to explore the realm of digital marketing from the perspective of a professional, in the field discussing the achievements & challenges, advancements, and future directions shaping this dynamic industry.

Firstly, Victor Adewole is a tech professional with a primary background in digital marketing technology. Under age 30, he has led and contributed to the growth of high-tech businesses across Africa. His work centres on driving innovation in digital marketing and tech sectors. He has also been invited to speak at various tech conferences where he has shared insights and experiences in tech advancements in the African landscape, something he tells PC Tech Magazine he is proud of.

  1. Describe what the role of a digital marketer entails

One thing about being a digital marketer is that you need to have the capability to adapt to multiple layers. The role of a digital marketer is many-sided. You have to be able to develop feasible digital marketing strategies for several marketing channels. In addition to this, you have to be proficient in crafting compelling pieces of content that resonate with your company’s audience, geographically and demographically. You should be able to analyze all campaign performance using data and analytics, so the knowledge of data analytics is a necessity. Only with this knowledge can you track metrics and measure traffic, conversion rates, and ROI. There’s also a need for expertise in search engine optimization, social media marketing, and email marketing, as they are primarily instrumental to digital marketing.

  1. What do you think are the most critical skills for a successful digital marketer today?

Analytical skills, unlimited creativity, technological literacy, adaptability, practical communication skills, strategic thinking, and a desire for professional development —all these qualities in great amounts can make any digital marketer successful in their career path.

  1. What is a project you worked on that pushed your skillset or challenged you?

There was this challenging project where we had to launch a digital marketing campaign for Fundi Bots in a very short period. The launch was a little hasty, so there was no ample time to be properly briefed. We had to integrate multiple digital channels to create a unified strategy, and this was a big challenge because we had to drive awareness and generate leads in a highly competitive market, all in a limited time.

I had to lead a cross-functional team that worked on SEO, content marketing, social, and paid advertising, including a team of freelancers I outsourced to. We had to create seamless integration plans under pressure while carefully allocating resources. This project pushed me to innovate and think outside the box, and when we got the results we intended, it was more than rewarding.

  1. What has been your proudest moment or greatest achievement in your career so far?

The proudest moment in my career is still unfolding. We are working towards developing a digital platform aimed at transforming how African students access global educational opportunities. I’m also currently involved in a fintech project designed to ease the financial challenges faced by international students abroad.

We aspire to provide customized financial solutions, including tuition payment plans and personal finance management tools designed for the needs of students living far from. When this project is completed, it will be one of my greatest achievements and proudest moments.

  1. How do you leverage technology to enhance your marketing strategies and improve client outcomes?

In my opinion, technology is not just a tool. It is at the core of everything we do in digital marketing. For instance, we use data analytics to improve campaigns in real-time and employ automation tools to schedule and execute some marketing strategies. We also use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology to predict trends and customer needs and personalization engines to tailor content to individual preferences.

  1. How do you stay updated with the latest trends and changes in digital marketing?

One of my morning routines is to scan through newsletters and blogs related to the tech and digital marketing industry. I also have a network of digital marketers that keep me updated on the latest trends, including webinars and conferences. Additionally, I also follow industry experts on social media to share their thoughts about emerging trends and the latest practices in the digital marketing field.

  1. Are there any particular tools or platforms that you find indispensable in your work?

Google Analytics is the first one because it is the best tool for tracking website traffic and user behavior. I also use Hootsuite to manage multiple social media accounts, SEMrush for SEO and competitive analysis, and Mailchimp for email marketing.

  1. What are your thoughts on the future of digital marketing and emerging trends that businesses should be aware of?

Soon, digital marketing will become more personalized and automated —that’s for sure at least. As for emerging trends that businesses should be aware of —I could say, artificial intelligence and machine learning. The flexibility of these technologies and their ability to evolve and adapt make them very durable tools in digital marketing. They are helping companies achieve precision and efficiency in campaigns, and more industries need to leverage these tools.

Another emerging trend I appreciate is augmented reality (AR) in marketing strategies. With AR brands can engage with consumers by activating more interaction —which is why I think companies need to capitalize on this tech, too.

  1. Briefly expounding on artificial intelligence and machine learning, what role will these techs play in the future of digital marketing?

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are set to transform digital marketing by making it more personal and efficient. With AI, we can predict human behaviors and preferences more accurately. This will be effective for crafting the perfect campaigns that will resonate with a company’s audience. Machine learning algorithms on the other hand can use large amounts of data to deliver highly personalized content to individual users, enhancing customer experience and improving engagement.

I also see AI taking over time-consuming tasks like data analysis and campaign adjustments.

  1. What advice would you give to aspiring digital marketers looking to make their mark in the industry?

Digital marketing is a field that continuously changes with the times, so never stop learning and evolving. Always seek out practical experiences. Work on personal projects, volunteer, apply for internships, and continue building your technical skills. Also, develop your analytical skills, network with others in your field, and always showcase your work unashamedly and transparently.

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