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Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge Officially Receive the Android 7.0 Nougat Update

Image Credit: Tech Times Image Credit: Tech Times
Image Credit: Tech Times

Last year reports showed that Samsung S7 and S7 Edge might receive the Android 7.1.1 directly, but seems it didn’t work out as the South Korean smartphone firm officially rolls out Android 7.0 Nougat update for the phablets. The Android 7.0 Nougat roll-out reportedly started last week itself though Samsung has only now confirmed the update.

The company also confirms plans to expand the Android 7.0 Nougat update to older devices including; Samsung Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge and S6 Edge Plus, Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy A3, and Galaxy A8 smartphones, plus the Galaxy Tab A and Galaxy Tab S2 which will/might happen in the first quarter of this year.

Samsung will introduce some major UX changes including new Quick panel; which will feature cleaner aesthetics and Notification Window; will now be grouped to display information more clearly and also support Direct Replies, Multi-window; will allow users to work in split screen, Performance mode; will let users optimize the smartphone, and Samsung Pass; will be expanded to support mobile banking app integration.[related-posts]

Other phones that have received the Android 7.0 update include; HTC mobiles; HTC 10, HTC One M9, LG mobiles; LG G5, Nexus 9 LTE, Sony mobiles; while Huawei mobiles; the P9, P9 Lite, P9 Plus, Mate 8, etc, and finally the Motorola Nexus 6 & HTC Nexus 9 will/might receive the update in the first quarter of this year as the companies had mentioned.