Following last year’s incident of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 exploding multiple times, the South Korea based smartphone-firm, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd will announce this month the results of an investigation into what caused some of its smartphones to catch fire, the JoongAng Ilbo newspaper reported on Monday citing unnamed sources.
In October the firm said it was examining all aspects of the phone, suggesting there may be a combination of factors that contributed to one of the costliest product safety failures in tech history. As we recall, the smartphones were recalled multiple times, until the company had to bring the phones to rest, stopping their production in the market.
The company had to even ask all those the owned the phablet to power them down/off immediately and return them to wherever the devices were originally purchased and be replaced with another handset from Samsung. The company also continued to ask all carriers and retail partners globally to stop sales and exchanges of the phablet.[related-posts]
Investors and analysts have said it is critical for Samsung to identify the root cause of the fires in order to rebuild consumer trust and avoid repeating the same mistakes.
Reuters reports!