SAMENA conference attracts North African ICT companies

Telecommunications professionals as well as market leaders across South Asia, Middle East and North Africa are scheduled to meet next month in Qatar, to discuss key global technology developments. Prominent telecommunications experts as well as market leaders across South Asia, the Middle East and North Africa are scheduled to meet next month in Qatar.
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Discussions will be held in the city of Doha to discuss key technology areas and their impacts on technological progression and revenue generation at the ‘Convergence to Doha 2011’ event

Convergence to Doha 2011 is an annual event run by the South Asia Middle East and North Africa Telecommunications Council (SAMENA).

“Amidst the growing concerns of the fragility of the global economy and the looming debt crisis, the telecommunications sector is increasingly being looked at as the silver lining and as a windfall for various governments that are striving to stimulate economic growth,” said Bocar Ba, President of SAMENA Telecommunications Council.

“Promoting and bringing to fruition convergence within the telecommunications industry, in order to create a knowledge-based sector that can develop and implement an informed and innovative roadmap for progression, has never been more important. SAMENA’s ‘Convergence to Doha 2011′ will provide regional telecommunications professionals with the opportunity to identify collaborative approaches and growth prospects to not only meet consumer demand but also increase revenues,” he concluded.

Convergence to Doha, scheduled for 1-2 November 2011 is an annual event run by the South Asia Middle East and North Africa Telecommunications Council (SAMENA).