Uber Banned in India After Rape Allegations

UberToday, the Delhi transport department has banned Taxi service Uber in the city.

The blacklisting is spurred by the arrest of Shiv Kumar Yadav who was arrested yesterday after allegedly raping a 25-year-old woman on Friday night. Yadav was accused of rape in 2011, too, but charges were dropped when his accuser agreed to a settlement.

Uber has been growing rapidly in India recently, so this news is damaging for the taxi-hailing service. In a statement issued over the weekend—before the ban—Uber CEO Travis Kalanick explained:

Travis has said that they will work with the government to establish clear background checks currently absent in their commercial transportation licensing programs.

He promised that they will also partner closely with the groups who are leading the way on women’s safety here in New Delhi and around the country and invest in technology advances to help make New Delhi a safer city for women.

Via Gizmodo