Today, +1 buttons will start appearing on Google search pages globally

A few months ago Google released the +1 button on English search results on According to Google Webmaster Central Blog, the company recently made the +1 button available to sites across the web, making it easy for the people who love your content to recommend it on Google search. The blog explains that Google has partnered with various content providers including The Telegraph, The Independent and TechCrunch, where +1 buttons will be seen over the coming days.
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Today, +1’s will start appearing on Google search pages globally. We’ll be starting off with sites like,, and, then expanding quickly to most other Google search sites soon after.

We’ve partnered with a few more sites where you’ll see +1 buttons over the coming days.

Publishers outside the US have been waiting to put +1 buttons on their sites: now’s a good time to get started. Visit the +1 button tool on Google Webmaster Central where the +1 button is already available in 44 languages.