SafeBoda Opens Driving School to Transform the Boda Boda Sector in Uganda

Pioneer moto-taxi ride hailing firm; SafeBoda has been in the business since 2014. A rider is seen wearing a reflective jacket, and helmet carrying an extra one passenger who does have a helmet as well.(Photo Credit: Technology Review) Pioneer moto-taxi ride hailing firm; SafeBoda has been in the business since 2014. A rider is seen wearing a reflective jacket, and helmet carrying an extra one passenger who does have a helmet as well.(Photo Credit: Technology Review)
<center>SafeBoda Opens Driving School to Transform the Boda Boda Sector in Uganda (Archives)</center>

SafeBoda has announced the opening of the SafeBoda Academy Driving School. This groundbreaking initiative underscores their unwavering dedication to empowering the Boda Boda Sector.

With a focus revolving around prioritizing key facets such as driving compliance, Safeboda is fostering a culture of professional riding, championing road safety, and facilitating seamless access to driving permits for Boda riders.

In a statement released on Monday Safeboda stated that “through this comprehensive approach, we aim to further elevate sector standards, ensuring a safer, more professional, and efficiently regulated environment for Boda riders.”

Located at Kyebando Central, Kanyike Road, Kampala, the SafeBoda Academy stands as the first and only driving school in Uganda exclusively devoted to standardizing Boda riders.

This strategic move is designed to empower the Boda Boda Sector, ensuring riders receive comprehensive training aligned with sector standards.

“Acknowledging the diverse economic backgrounds of our Boda riders, the SafeBoda Academy Driving School distinguishes itself by offering affordable fares tailored to suit the earnings of every regular Ugandan seeking professional training”, the statement read.

This commitment underscores SafeBoda’s dedication to inclusivity and accessibility in the pursuit of safer roads.

The Country Director, Mrs. Catherine Tulina Kafumbe, expressed, “The launch of the SafeBoda Academy Driving School signifies a significant milestone in our commitment to safety, professionalism, and empowerment.” “By providing comprehensive training, we contribute to a safer and more standardized Boda Boda Sector in Uganda,” she emphasized.

The SafeBoda Academy Driving School has received official licensing from the Ministry of Works and Transport, solidifying its commitment to excellence.

In addition, the Directorate of Traffic and Road Safety has seconded this initiative, endorsing SafeBoda’s mission to elevate the standards of BodaBoda riding in Uganda.

The Vice President of Well-being and Payments at Safeboda Mr. Christian Wamambe Mayeku, said, “As the driving force behind the school, we are not just teaching riding skills; we are fostering a culture of responsibility and well-being among Boda riders. We aim to streamline their access to driving permits, ensuring a holistic approach to their professional development.”

The Safeboda Academy Driving School Schedule

The Academy Driving School will operate from Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 4 PM, with its first focus and target being its drivers to support them more in fulfilling expected compliance.