How AI Can Improve The Employee Experience

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Creating an environment where employees thrive is crucial and 60% of UK employees desire artificial intelligence (AI) to be democratized within their organizations, ensuring accessibility for all is not just a technological trend but a pressing demand. The main reason for this is that employees are currently dissatisfied with repetitive tasks and complicated information overload.  

Despite this, 56% of UK employees feel their employers are not encouraging the use of AI at work. However, for those who embrace AI, 96% reported increased productivity to some degree when using AI at least twice a month. Furthermore, a significant 67% of UK employees believe that developing AI skills will be crucial for their future career growth, revealing that AI is key to revolutionizing the workplace and improving employee experience. 

Predictive Routing Can Optimise Worker Performance

Understanding and utilizing employee strengths is at the core of a positive work experience. When fed with data about employees’ tasks, goals, achievements, and challenges, AI software becomes a powerful tool for identifying and harnessing individual talents.

Predictive routing ensures customer interactions are matched with the most suitable employee, improving customer satisfaction and allowing employees to focus on tasks where they excel. Reward and recognition systems, powered by AI, foster healthy competition and motivation. These tools provide insights into employee performance, creating a positive culture of continuous improvement.

AI Can Empower Growth For Employees

AI goes beyond task optimization; it also plays a pivotal role in fostering employee growth. By identifying strengths and weaknesses, AI enables the creation of personalized development paths. This not only equips employees with the skills needed for their current roles but also prepares them for future challenges.

Creating an environment where employees feel supported in their growth contributes to a more engaged and dedicated workforce. This investment in employee success can lead to stronger loyalty to the organization’s brand and retain staff. 

Automate Certain Tasks For Optimised Workflow

Employee frustration often stems from inefficient processes and inadequate resources. AI tackles this by optimizing workflows and ensuring that employees spend their time on high-priority tasks by automating smaller, more repetitive tasks. Automated forecasting and scheduling, powered by historical data and AI algorithms, simplifies resource management in call centers.

Agents can self-manage time-off requests and shift trades, reacting in real time to fluctuating demand. Predictive engagement tools ensure that agents reach out to customers at the right time, enhancing the efficiency of customer interactions. This not only saves time for employees but also improves the overall customer experience

AI Arms Employees with the Right Tools to Succeed

AI serves as a force multiplier by providing employees with tools that simplify complex processes and eliminate repetitive tasks. Interaction analytics, for instance, mines recorded conversations for valuable insights, allowing you to take advantage of your customer interaction data.

Managers can use these insights for targeted coaching or praise, cultivating a culture of continuous improvement. This equips employees with the right tools not only to improve individual performance but also to contribute to the overall resilience and adaptability of the organization.

Improving Employee Engagement Matters

The application of various AI tools to the workplace remains a puzzle for many organisations but the urgency to solve it is mounting. 62% of employees assert that generative AI will necessitate a fresh set of skills at work, while 83% state it will save their company time by automating certain tasks, relieving work stress somewhat. 

As AI continues to reshape industries and redefine roles, the responsibility falls squarely on employers to prepare their workforce for the jobs of the future. AI emerges as the linchpin for curating the employee experience. By leveraging AI tools, companies can dismantle unnecessary roadblocks and pave the way for a more seamless employee journey.

Employers who recognize and respond to the call for AI to be democratized in the workplace, seamlessly integrating the tools into the fabric of the organization, stand to benefit the most.


By: Jake Michael, a writer for Maximillion.