NITA-U Announces Nominees For The 2021 e-Government Excellence Awards

NITA Uganda Executive Director, Dr. Hatwib Mugasa poses with a cut-out board for the e-Government Excellence Awards during the launch at the Kampala Serena Hotel. (PHOTO: Erick Kulu) NITA Uganda Executive Director, Dr. Hatwib Mugasa poses with a cut-out board for the e-Government Excellence Awards during the launch at the Kampala Serena Hotel. (PHOTO: Erick Kulu)
<center>NITA Uganda Executive Director, Dr. Hatwib Mugasa poses with a cut-out board for the e-Government Excellence Awards during the launch at the Kampala Serena Hotel. (PHOTO: Erick Kulu)</center>

The National Information Technology Authority (NITA) Uganda last month announced the second edition of the e-Government Excellence Awards and called Government Agencies, Private Companies, Technology Journalists, among others to submit their nominations.

The awards are held under the theme, “Bold Digital Government: Embracing disruptive technologies” and will recognize the various Government Agencies that have played a remarkable role in availing online government services to the public.

NITA Uganda Executive Director, Dr. Hatwib Mugasa addressing journalists at the official launch of the 2021 e-Government Excellence Awards at the Kampala Serena Hotel. (PHOTO: Erick Kulu)
NITA Uganda Executive Director, Dr. Hatwib Mugasa addressed journalists at the official launch of the 2021 e-Government Excellence Awards at the Kampala Serena Hotel. (PHOTO: Erick Kulu)

NITA Uganda Executive Director, Dr. Hatwib Mugasa while speaking today at the official launch of the awards at the Kampala Serena Hotel, said, “It’s important that we are having these awards, at a crucial time when the knowledge that technology adoption is both the present and the future of humanity’s well-being is indisputable.” He continues to add that “We have witnessed ICT play a pivotal role in averting the effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic which has presented us with an opportunity to explore these innovations and accelerate efforts to bring, not only Government services online, but also incorporate technology into every endeavor that it has the prospect of enriching”

Mugasa also noted that the e-Government Excellence Awards present an opportunity to share experiences with various Government entities across the country with a vision of innovative administration, access to information, and enhanced service delivery to citizens’.

NITA Uganda has partnered with Ernst & Young Global Limited, Huawei Technologies Uganda, and the World Bank Group to ensure that there is a high caliber of adjudication and quality assurance, thereby delivering a credible and reputable vetting process.

The awards are grouped into seven (7) categories; CIO of the Year, Agency of the Year, e-Service of the Year, Citizen’s Choice of the Year, BPO/ITES Company of the Year, Private Sector Company of the Year, and ICT Journalist of the Year. All nominees in these categories can be voted by dialing the USSD short code *260#  or alternatively use the web portal Voting closes on December 4th, 2021. The award gala will be held on December 10th, 2021.

Introducing The Award Categories

1. Citizen Choice Award
The Citizen Choice is Granted to the government website or e-service which will be voted by the public as the most useful/helpful in the citizenry’s lives.

The nominees are;

    • Anti Corruption Unit.
    • Ministry of Health.
    • Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.
    • Uganda Revenue Authority.
    • Uganda Registration Services Bureau.
    • National Social Security Fund.
    • Inspectorate General of Government.
    • Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control.
    • Higher Education Students’ Financing Board.

2. Journalist of the year Award
We acknowledge the role you members of the press play as advocates for change in this digital journey. This year, we shall award a Press and Media individual or company that has contributed significantly to quality, in-depth awareness on e-government in Uganda.

The nominees are;

  • Christine Kasemiire.
  • Edward Kayiwa.
  • Henry Okurut.
  • Ismail Musa Ladu.
  • John Serwaniko.
  • Douglas Kikonyogo.
  • Lydia Nabakooza.
  • Mark Wadulo.
  • Nathan Olupot.
  • Paul Murungi.

3. CIO of the year Award
CIO/ Head of IT/ of a Government Ministry, Department, and Agency that has performed exceptionally well in creating impact for the organization as well as championing the implementation of national IT-related standards.

4. Outstanding Agency of the Year Award
Government institution which exemplifies outstanding excellence in the use of ICT tools to improve engagement with stakeholders. This extends to better engagement with citizens; open and transparent government operations; and/or the release of public sector information.

5. BPO/ITES company of the year
The award is granted to a BPO/ITES institution that exemplifies outstanding excellence in the area of BPO/ITES in the country. This extends to the quality of services offered to its clients and existence within the organization a system that responds to clients’ queries and immediate resolution.

The nominees are;

  • 3D Services.
  • Cayman Consults.
  • Clinic Masters.
  • Data Care.
  • Exquisite Solution.
  • Rocket Health.
  • Service Corps.
  • Technobrain.

6. Private Sector of the Year
Recognizes the private sector entities offering an eService to their end-users with the aim of reducing the cost, time, and effort in accomplishing a task or a series of tasks. The e-Services should be available through multiple channels that enable easy service delivery with high levels of speed and transparency.

The nominees are;

  • Balton Uganda Limited.
  • Business Centre Limited.
  • Future Technologies.
  • Gulf Africa.
  • I3C Infinity Computers.
  • In2IT Technologies.
  • International Business Solution Limited.
  • Kazinga Channel.
  • SBS Uganda Limited.
  • Tech Mahindra.

7. e-Service of the Year (per sector)
The award is granted to the Government e-Service which exemplifies outstanding public service delivery, internal digital transformation and improved efficiencies in Government.

The nominees are;

Economic Infrastructure & Competitiveness:

  • Ministry of Works – Uganda Driver’s License System.
  • Covid-19 Travel Permit Clearance System.
  • Electronic Contractors Registration and Classification System (eCRCS).

Tourism & Trade:

  • UTB – Quality Assurance Licensing System.
  • Uganda Exports Promotion Board – E-Single Window.


  • Directorate of Education Standards – Teachers Effectiveness and Learner Achievement (TELA) inspection e-Service.
  • Ministry of Education and Sports (MOES) – Kolibri pre-service


  • National Medical Stores for NMS+ CSSP (Client Self Service Portal).

Human Development:

  • NFA – License Management System
    Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development.
  • National Single Registry for Social Protection.
  • Safe Pal.
  • Alternative Care MIS (ACMIS) – Children First Software.
  • NLU- National Library of Uganda online Catalogue.

Accountability & Governance:

  • Financial Intelligence Authority- goAML.
  • UBOS for UGStats.
  • KCCA – iRoads Solution, Traffic Control Center, e-Citie, Computer Address Model, Weyonje, Citizen Participation and feedback.
  • URA for eTAX PORTAL, Electronic Fiscal Receipting and Invoicing Solution (EFRIS), Single window.


  • URSB – Security Interest in Movable Property Registry (SIMPO).
  • NIRA – COL (Confirmation of Information).

Public Sector Administration and Management:

  • Public Service Commission – Online Recruitment System (ORS).

Rural Development:

  • NBRB for Building Industry Management System.


  • Inputi.
  • The Lesson.
  • Partners for Education.
  • Sharebility Uganda.
  • Famunera.
  • Chap Chap.
  • Mscan.
  • Wave.
  • Vouch Digital.
  • Medical Concierge.