How is Enterprise Mobility Management Shaping the Modern Healthcare

Modern Healthcare. (PHOTO BY: National Cancer Institute/Unsplash) Modern Healthcare. (PHOTO BY: National Cancer Institute/Unsplash)
<center>(PHOTO BY: National Cancer Institute/Unsplash)</center>

Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) has gained momentum globally and is adopted by several major economic sectors of the world that have adopted an on-the-go and flexible work pattern. Simply put, it is a set of tools and technologies that combines the capabilities of Mobile Device Management (MDM), Mobile Application Management (MAM), and Mobile Identity Management (MIM) to safeguard business data on employee’s devices, whether they are self-owned or company-owned.

In an era of rising cybercrimes, protecting important business data is a top priority for enterprises. EMM requirements for enterprises in different economic sectors vary depending on their specific needs. For example; the Healthcare industry would manage their devices on different terms compared to the Finance, IT, or Logistics sector.

In this article, we will highlight the role of EMM in modern-day Healthcare management.

Let us have a look at the following ways in which technology is helping to boost advancements in the Healthcare domain:

  1. Digitalization of healthcare records: The use of electronic mediums for recording patient summaries and status has enabled the Healthcare domain to get rid of the bulky paper files and move to convenient cloud platforms for easy storage, management and transmission of data.
  2. Mobile app technology: The emergence of mobile healthcare apps has enabled patients to keep a track of their health on their handheld devices by offering easy appointment booking, medication reminders, monitor fitness levels and more. Not only this, but it has also helped physicians save time on manual record maintenance and routine tasks. Mobile MIM, AliveCor and Teladoc are some of the many mobile health apps being used globally.
  3. Telemedicine: Telemedicine is the digitalization of healthcare services via telecommunications. This enables patients to connect with healthcare specialists anywhere in the world. Through this, medical professionals can offer faster help in critical care, senior citizen care and effectively reduce the wait-time for patients to receive treatment.
  4. Blockchain technology in Healthcare: Blockchain is a distributed system for recording and storing transaction records. It is an independent and permanent database that co-exists in multiple locations and is shared by communities. Blockchains in healthcare are contemplated for managing & protecting electronic medical data, point-of-care genomics management and enabling interoperability.
  5. Wearables for Remote Patient Monitoring: Wearables are specialized healthcare tracking devices that monitor metrics such as blood sugar, heart rate and more. These devices go a long way in digitalizing healthcare as doctors and patients can synchronously monitor and assess the patient’s health. This plays an effective part in patient’s remote diagnosis and monitoring.

Why is Enterprise Mobility critical?
In a technology-driven world, businesses today are going beyond the restrictions of traditional office spaces. To keep pace with this rapidly growing world where everything is going mobile, Enterprise Mobility has become necessary as it enables workforces to communicate and access business information from anywhere in the world.

This brings in work system flexibility, allowing employees to maximize their productivity, as they can have all the business information & tools at their fingertips remotely or on the go.

However, with the mobility of business data comes the threat of security breaches, making it increasingly crucial for all enterprise devices to be secured with management solutions that protect critical information from being leaked. EMM solutions offer just the right protocols to ensure enterprise security.

Further, let us deep-dive into the benefits of EMM tools
  1. Multiple device management: EMM enables IT admins to manage operations on multiple devices at once. This can be a cost and time-effective solution to reduce the workload on IT admins of the Healthcare sector.
  2. Security: Confidentiality of the patient’s health and status is of utmost importance in the healthcare sector. Any form of phishing attacks can have legal consequences as per the HIPAA act of 1996. EMM solutions deploy measures such as the use of VPN and Single sign-on (SSO) and more ensure adequate protection of this data on users’ devices.
  3. Configurable reports: EMM healthcare tools also facilitate medical professionals to have a comprehensive data structure with detailed reports & overviews, which ensures accurate diagnosis and faster decision making in terms of the line of treatment.
  4. Track parameters in real-time: With the possibility of real-time tracking and communications, data fluidity between nurses or patients and doctors regarding elementary parameters such as blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, blood sugar, etc. can be monitored faster. This widens the scope of remote monitoring and consultation with the help of e-prescriptions, which saves time and cost for both patients and doctors.
  5. Data management: Managing and storing data of hundreds of patients can be a laborious task and lead to manual errors and inaccuracy in treatment. MDM healthcare solutions offer a broad overview and combine analytics of reports which helps medical professionals to view a comprehensive case study and devise an accurate treatment protocol without spending hours analyzing heaps of reports & files.

In a nutshell, Healthcare organizations cannot afford their employees to own mobile devices with business data on them, however, with the speeding technological solutions, several EMM service providers are emerging who can effectively manage the devices of healthcare workers to ensure business data protection. In addition, Enterprise Mobility Management solutions also help to reduce the burden of manual and time-consuming efforts of medical professionals making the overall line of treatment more constructive.