Features of Flexible Robot Arms That Have Led to Their Increased Uptake in Industry

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Flexible robot arms have become highly popular to companies pursuing automation. Their popularity is as a result of their flexibility and the great benefits that companies in diverse industries gain from them.

Flexible robot arms come with many benefits. Most important among them is that they are able to automate production processes. In addition, flexible robots help companies increase their efficiency by hastening their production process and reducing waste associated with the process.

Their size is also another advantage that has led companies to adopt them in droves. They are compact in size, can be carried around the factory and occupy a fraction of the space that traditional robots could have taken up.

In addition to their benefits, flexible robot arms have significant features that have led to their increasing popularity and use. The most key features are listed here.

Impact on employment

It has been a common thought that the increased adoption of robots by companies would lead to massive job losses. Flexible robot arms having permeated into the large companies of the world are having a surprising effect. Automaker BMW and retail behemoth Amazon have increased the number of their employees as they have progressively adopted robots in their operations.

When organizations adopt flexible robots, they find that their production process takes lesser time and use fewer human staff. As a result, they are able to allocate the now free human staff to tasks that only they can suitably handle. Also as an increase in productivity, organizations are able to hire more employees required to handle high level and highly specialized tasks at better wage rates.

In addition, since they are mostly collaborative, flexible robots enhance the abilities of most employees in carrying out their tasks.

Impact on productivity

As mentioned, flexible robots help companies increase their production rates and improve their productivity. To increase productivity, flexible robots are not limited to the execution of a single task.

Also, their use reduces waste produced during the production process as robots are highly accurate and precise. This in turn then increases the quality of the products produced and introduces our next feature of increased flexible robot uptake.

Impact on product and service quality

Flexible robots are highly accurate in the tasks they are assigned. As a result, the end product of a production process that involves a flexible robot is a high quality product. The use of the flexible robot also increasingly enables companies to mass customize their high quality products to meet the needs of their customers.

With the increasing use of robots, manufacturing entities have also been able to enhance their services. After production, goods that are ready for shipping need to be organized and palletized. Assigning these tasks to flexible robots reduces the usual time taken and leads to lesser lag time before goods reach the market.

Introduction to non-traditional industries

As the uptake for flexible robot has grown, they have moved from the manufacturing industry that has always used robots to other industries. Combined with new smart and IoT technology, flexible robots can now be found in the retail and service industries. Other industries that have taken up the use of flexible robots are the military and the medical and science industries.

Ease of use/ programing/ retooling

Flexible robot arms are easy to use. Users of these robots just need a simple training and they will competently any task that is assigned to the robot.

In addition, flexible robots are easy to program. Programming is the way in which the robots are given instructions on how to complete a task. Flexible arm robots do not require a highly trained programmer and a factory worker can easily handle the robot programming. Further, as collaborative robots they can be taught how to perform a task manually and they will execute it perfectly.

When they are performing different tasks, the flexible robots may need different fixtures on them to complete different tasks. It is quite easy to retool them in preparation for a new task.

Easy to monitor

Flexible robot arms are also easy to monitor. They rarely get damaged or need regular maintenance. Their programming allows them to be monitored for efficiency via the internet and therefore the company will not incur any downtime as a result of maintenance or repair.