The Evolution of Online Gaming

<center>Photo Credit: Smithsonian Magazine</center>

A lot of game releases in recent years are more online-oriented much to the chagrin of the traditionalists while the more tech-savvy gamers are excited by the prospects the future holds especially with virtual reality and augmented reality.

The internet has opened up limitless possibilities to the gaming world. Not so long ago, multiplayer gaming options was only possible by being in the same room with your pads plugged into a console. Now you can play Fortnite with friends across the world as long as you have a stable internet connection.

That has also opened the doors to many developers and consumers now have millions of games to choose from depending on the devices.

Online gaming
Online gaming has grown so fast in the last 10 years when the best you could get was a few online games with average graphics and split screen to carter for multiplayers. It was the cutting-edge technology at that time but looking back, it was slow and rife with flaws especially for first person shooter (FPS) games.

The few games that incorporated online gaming were dreadfully slow which kept several games away from them.

Smartphones were still in their development phase and the developer options on Android and iOS as we now know them were essentially non-existent.

Mass participation
Then came the advent of mass participation games like the World of Warcraft that literally changed the game. Game developers realized that it was possible to have millions of people competitively play on the same platform without any hindrances like national borders. Some countries have cyber-borders though, but those can be avoided with a VPN.

Adapting this to console gaming made a huge impact and before long, the new releases of FPS games like Call of Duty took it up and had millions of online gamers playing the game daily. You can find other mass participation games on Game Guide World.

Mobile games
It is smartphones that made online gaming what it is today. Most smartphones these days come with pre-installed games with several free download games on iTunes and Play Store.

For added features or longer playing hours after the expiration of the daily free ‘lives’, users can make purchases with actual money or Google Play credit. This also unlocks levels that were otherwise not accessible on the free download making people even spend longer hours on online games.

A good number of these games are online and you can challenge fellow players from anywhere across the globe to a competitive game with highest point scorers often getting recognition from the game’s developers.

The thrill of gaming is to compete against one another and this is what online gaming offers. Online gaming offers a platform to not only compete against your friends but with the best gamers in the world. With faster internet, it is now possible to duel with anyone across the world without any lags that were previously seen in online gaming consoles.

Online gaming has become such a huge attraction that there are now world competitions where the best gamers compete for the ultimate crown of being the global champion of specific games.