Using Too Much of Google May Increase The Risk of Dementia – Frank Gunn-Moore

According to media reports, Frank Gunn-Moore, a researcher from the University of St Andrews in the United Kingdom claims using Google frequently to search for information, rather than using our brains, may increase the risk of dementia – describing the practice as an “experiment” we are conducting on ourselves.

“It’s important to promote good brain health and to do that is to use it, but these days we seem to outsource our brain to the internet. If we want to know something, we look it up online rather than trying to recall the information from our memory,” Gunn-Moore was quoted as saying to The Sunday Post.

“It’s an experiment the human race is running and we will have to wait and see if this outsourcing affects dementia prevalence,” he said.

In 2015, the number of people with dementia reached almost 45 million, two times more than in 1990, according to a rough estimate.

In today’s era, it’s a fact that over (roughly estimating) 90% of people with any kind of device that has internet connectivity won’t hesitate to use it to find whatever s/he might be looking for. We find using internet a much faster way to solve our issues than us using our brains to solve our problems- things like how to questions? we still refer to Google for answers, finding directions where you can ask a friend, we still refer more to use of google maps because it will much easier and simpler. This has made man’s life much easier, but also made man lazy.

Perhaps, its high time we used our brains much more to using the internet.

How much is too much Internet?

source: TOI and The Sunday Post