Shell Helix Motor oils and Renault Uganda hosted the Shell Helix & Renault auto hang-outon Friday evening. The Auto hang-out showcased the Renault car brands currently available on the Uganda market and the engine oils used to keep these car engines closest to factory clean during their maintenance period.
Merca Limited has begun to establish its presence in the Uganda market with the Renault brand. Among the services offered at Merca Limited is Renault car sales, fleet leasing, original Renault parts and Renault vehicle repairs and maintenance. The engine inside every Renault car is sophisticated to deliver a combination of great economy and performance. To ensure that these engines are kept at their absolute best, Renault uses Shell Helix motor oils.
“We choose Shell Helix motor oils at our Renault workshop because we’ve tried and tested them and they have consistently delivered excellent performance and engine protection results. It’s because we use Shell Helix motor oils that we can comfortably guarantee our engine warranty period” Said Renault Uganda’s Brand Manager, Fred Wambi. “Because most of the cars within our care are either new or have lower mileage counts, we predominantly use Shell Helix Ultra or Shell Helix HX7” he added.
Shell invests significantly in research and development for both lubricants and Fuels. Shell’s fully synthetic motor oil, Shell Helix Ultra is produced using a patented technology that was developed over 40 years of research and development. Shell Helix Ultra is a revolution in motor oil. It is the first motor oil to be produced from natural gas.
“Many superior global car manufacturer brands choose and endorse Shell Helix motor oils. Among these, Scuderia Ferrari, BMW Motor Sport, and Maserati. It’s therefore not surprising that we can have the honor of being the supplier of choice for Renault in Uganda” Said Vivo Energy’s Brand Manager for Lubricants, Alex Tusingwire.
There are 4 grades of Shell Helix Motor oils currently sold in Uganda. Shell Helix HX3 a monograde suited for older engines, Shell Helix HX5 a mineral based oil suited for most of the car park in Uganda, Shell Helix HX7 made with synthetic technology and suited for new age engines and finally Shell Helix Ultra, Shell’s fully synthetic motor oil. Motorists across the country can access Shell Helix motor oils at their nearest Shell Petrol station.