WhatsApp announced today that it has reached one billion daily active users as the company also shared some other stats on how the service is being used. The one billion active daily users is up from the one billion monthly actives it announced last year, and monthly users too are up.
The announcement from WhatsApp came from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg during the Silicon Valley company’s second-quarter earnings call.
The statement on their website read: “Just last year, we shared that one billion people around the world use WhatsApp every month. Today, we are excited and proud to share that one billion people around the world use WhatsApp every day to stay in touch with their family and friends.”
In addition to the one billion total active users milestone, WhatsApp announced that users are now sending 55 billion messages per day, 4.5 billion photos and 1 billion videos, and it’s now at 1.3 billion monthly active users.
Credit: 9to5Mac