Kenya: Proposed ICT Practitioners Bill rejected

Kenya's Supreme Court judges file into the chamber during the opening of the 11th Parliament in the capital Nairobi April 16, 2013. REUTERS/Noor Khamis (KENYA - Tags: POLITICS)

The Government of Kenya through the Ministry of ICT has rejected the proposed Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Practitioners Bill 2016, saying it will isolate Kenya from the global stage and participating in ICT innovations.

ICT Cabinet Secretary Mr. Joe Mucheru said some proposals in the Bill will kill innovative talent and alienate local youth from lucrative on-line jobs, educational and investment opportunities.

According to the Ministry’s Website, the CS said this while addressing members of the Departmental Committee on Energy, Communication and Information. Mucheru said ICT sector was rapidly changing and if enacted, the proposed Bill would hinder growth of innovations and developments in the country.

Observing that the government was not opposed to regulating the ICT sector, the Cabinet Secretary pointed out the country still had progressive laws, policies and institutions that guided the sector.

“If enacted, the ICT Protection Bill 2016, will cause duplication in regulation and frustrate individual talents from realizing their potential,” said Mucheru.

Credit: MoICT Kenya