Government to give Sh15 billion per year to support ICT innovations

President Yoweri Museveni has directed the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning to put aside Ugx 15 billion every year to support young ICT innovators and help in the construction of two ICT parks in Uganda.

In a letter dated 5th September 2015, he instructed the Minister of Finance, Matia Kasaijja to release the money to the Ministry of ICT.

This comes a week after UCC organized the ICT Innovators Forum, where innovators and tech entrepreneurs asked Frank Tumwebaze, the Minister for Information to secure funding and build more incubation hubs to help them develop and commercialize their products. The New Vision reports that Frank Tumwebaze also promised to secure land to for an ICT park.

President Museveni also commended the Ministry of ICT for mobilizing a number of young ICT graduates and professionals involved in the innovation of IT and other digital solutions into a forum.

A direct quote from the letter read; “This is, therefore, to direct that, without distorting the set budget priorities, to rationalize from the already existing funds for youth livelihood and science innovation fund and get out a portion of money of at least 15bn per year to support this other category of youth involved in ICT innovations and also the development of the ICT parks.”

Minister Frank Tumwebaze also promised to overlook the setup of a committee of experts from academia,government and the private sector to help filter potential ICT innovations to receive support from this fund.