Chan Zuckerberg Initiative announces $3 billion investment to cure disease

Yesterday, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative announced a new program which will invest $3 billion over the next decade to help cure, prevent, or manage all disease.

The $3 billion will come from the $45 billion organization Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan started last year to advance human potential and equality.

The Initiative will see part of the $3 billion invested in Biohub, a new physical location that will unite researchers from Stanford, Berkeley, and UCSF with elite engineers to find new ways to treat disease.

“We’ll be investing in basic science research with the goal of curing disease”, Chan explained. 

“As a pediatrician I’ve worked with families at the most difficult moments of their lives” Chan said, shedding tears on stage as she recounted people hearing a loved one had cancer. Chan Zuckerberg Science will seek to eliminate those moments.

Mark Zuckerberg explained the core health problems facing the world, and how the new program will work on eliminating them.

The majority of deaths are caused by heart disease, infectious disease, neurological disease, and cancer, so those are the areas where the program will concentrate its efforts.