Twitter to Let All Users Filter Tweets for Higher Quality

Image Credit: ibtimes Image Credit: ibtimes
Image Credit: ibtimes

Twitter is rolling out two new features aimed at giving all users more control over their notification settings.This was announced in a company blog post yesterday

One feature is a “quality filter” that Twitter The feature aims to “improve the quality of Tweets you see by using a variety of signals, such as account origin and behavior,” the company wrote in a blog post. That way, newly created accounts or those with suspicious activity will have far less reach by automatically being filtered out of your timeline and notification tab.When the filter is turned on, Twitter will keep out “lower quality” content like duplicate or automated tweets.

The other new feature available to all users will be an option to only receive notifications from only people you follow. That way, if a user is getting abuse from trolls or comments from people they don’t know, they can turn on the setting and stop seeing the strangers’ messages.

These features aren’t exactly new. Rather, Twitter is now committed to providing its entire user base with the same set of tools it’s offered to high-profile users for years. The company has for quite some time allowed the verified accounts of celebrities and industry workers in media, sports, finance, and tech to filter notifications in a similar fashion to the new settings option. And the quality filter was also first introduced last year, but only for verified accounts. These new settings have now been made both widely available and easier to find.