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Specs that matter when buying a smartphone.

Image Credit: Yasser Farahi

Am sure we would all love to own a smart phone, and with many models with different specs on the market, we bring you the list of the specs that you should look for when buying a smart phone.
1.Screen size.
A smart phone will turn out to be the device that you use for most part of your day, be it making calls, playing Pokemon go, surfing the internet or chatting with your friend. Taking that into consideration, a smart phone with at least a 5 inch screen is OK. And don’t forget to count the pixels. For years Steve jobs and the retina team made us believe that the human eye is incapable of detecting any more than 300 pixels in a square inch of a display, when that display is 12 inches away, and oh boy were they wrong. since we are capable of detecting up to 900 pixels in a square inch, consider a phone with at least 250 pixel density but less than 400 if you want ta save battery life.

2.RAM (memory)
No to be confused with storage, RAM also known as memory  is where bits of data are stored as they wait in line to be processed by your CPU. This really comes into play when you’re multitasking, as recently-active apps are stored in your phone’s RAM just in case you might want to switch back to them sometime soon. For games, RAM is one thing to consider when buying a phone. Any RAM above 1GB should be fine but 2GB and above is greater.
3.External storage
A device’s storage capacity (again, not to be confused with RAM or memory) is an important spec to look for if you save files like pictures, videos, and MP3s on your phone or tablet. The more storage a device offers, the more room you’ll have to store these types of files. This is another spec that uses gigabytes for its value, and storage is usually offered in multiples of 8 GB. For an average users, 8GB would be enough if the phone as a memory card slot. How ever for phone such as the iPhone, at least 32GB should be considered since they don’t have memory storage slots.
3.Battery life.
Battery life is important to everyone, and as far as specs go, there’s only one number that matters: milli-ampere hours. This number is usually depicted as an mAh value, and it’s about as straightforward as it gets.
To put it simply, the higher the mAh value, the longer the device’s battery will last. Of course, processor efficiency, screen size, display type, and other specs play a big role in battery life, but all else being equal, go with the device that has the higher mAh value.

4. Camera (pixel don’t necessarily matter)
For years now, manufacturers have been engaged in a spec race when it comes to cameras, and the focus of this numbers war has always been megapixels. It’s an easy spec for consumers to understand, because more megapixels means your photos are comprised of more tiny little dots, and should thus be higher in resolution. However, we crossed the Steve Jobs-Retina line years ago, and even the cheapest camera sensors are now capable of capturing more megapixels than the human eye can see. So instead look for a camera with a bigger sensor size, larger pixel size, and a wider aperture. Keep in mind that some of these specs are represented as fractions, which can be a bit confusing. Pixel size will be a raw number, so the bigger the better there. But aperture is represented as “f/2.0” (f divided by 2.0) for example, so the smaller the number (divisor), the wider the aperture. Same goes for sensor size, where it’s 1 divided by however many inches, so look for a smaller divisor number here as well. Though a camera with at least 8 megapixels is preferred.