Museveni makes road-side phone call: Twitter Reacts


Tweeps exploded to life once again on Tuesday afternoon after a rare photo of President Yoweri Museveni appeared; where he was on the road making or picking a phone call while seated on a chair as the rest of his convoy parked on the roadside waiting on him.

The Daily Monitor reports that; the president made a surprise stop at the high way at Kyeirumba village in Isingiro District to make a phone call after attending the World Population Day commemoration in Isingiro district.

Read Pepper also further suggests that he directed his security not to block traffic while he made his call.

This inspired a number of internet users both Ugandan and non to react the best way they can – TROLLS. Within an hour there were memes passing all over Twitter and Facebook.

Here’s a compilation of the best trolls we managed to get:

Some people tried to connect it to the release of opposition leader Dr. Col. Kizza Besigye on bail by the High Court:

Some of them were not all merry, but still funny:

Did we miss your favorites? Share with us on Twitter, tag @pctechmagazine @jgenrwot.