Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s Quora account hacked

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<center>Image credit;techniasia</center>

Earlier this month a hacker group by the name of Ourmine team claimed to have gained access to Mark Zuckerberg’s social media accounts; Twitter and Pinterest.Later on Facebook spokesman told Reuters that the accounts had been re-secured using best practices.

Well looks like the Ourmine team didn’t stop there as their latest target is Google CEO Sundar Pichai. The group made several posts to Pichai’s Twitter account, broadcast to his 508,000-plus followers, from his Quora account, and claimed to have hacked into both.

However, unlike the Zuckerberg hack, where entry was gained into his accounts using a password obtained from the massive leak of LinkedIn data, access to Pichai’s Quora account seems to have been via vulnerability on the question-and-answer website’s end. Ourmine claims to have reported this vulnerability to Quora, with no response.