After what seemed like forever, WhatsApp Instant Messaging App has finally made it possible for its users to send documents over chats. The feature is visible in the most recent versions of the App, that is, Android v2.12.453 and iOS v2.12.4 is indicated by a “Document” option in the attachment section.
You may not be able to access the feature, even with the current version of the app but this version from the Whatsapp Site should be able to reflect the changes. The most recent version of the apps also boasts features like over 100 new emojis, support for 5 new languages, Android 6.0 Marshmallow permissions compatibility and more.
This development follows the user favorite introduction of Whatsapp Web which made all work and lots of play much easier. What could be next? When all file formats are supported by Whatsapp chat, what edge will Telegram have over this now lifestyle product?[related-posts]
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[Source: NDTV]