Facebook Inc. CEO and Co-Founder, Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t seem to mind doing things for his adorable 4-month old Max. On Thursday he posted a photo of himself bottle feeding her, quoting on his Facebook Official Page saying, “Most Important meetings of the day.” along with the hashtag #LeanInTogether.
Most important meeting of the day. #LeanInTogether
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday, March 24, 2016
As of Friday morning, 1.2 million people had either liked or used one of Facebook’s new Reactions to show what they thought of Mark’s photo. The post had also been shared more than 14,400 times and comment on over 18,240 times.
Quoc Pham, among the 18,240 people that commented, said, “Mark Zuckerberg I completely agree that any meeting that involves your children are important. Right now one of my kids is in the PICU right now potentially with cancer, and spending every moment with her is worth it.”
Facebook Chief Operating Officer, Sheryl Sandberg, who started the #LeanIn movement, wrote in an earlier post on Thursday that #LeanInTogether ” celebrates the important role men play in creating an equal world.”

“Reaching equality is not just good for women — it is good for men as well,” she said. “Children with active fathers are healthier, happier, and more successful. Men who are 50/50 partners have stronger marriages.”
Lean In Together aims to show men out there what they can really do to help their partners, daughters and colleagues to succeed in life.
Mark, who took two months paternity leave after Max was born last year in November 30th, has shared awesome photos showing his involvement with his daughter, including everything from dressing her up to changing a diaper and taking her to get vaccinated to taking her for a swim.

On Sandberg’s 8th year at Facebook Inc., the CEO wrote on his Facebook Page saying, “Today we’re celebrating Sheryl‘s 8 year anniversary at Facebook — or what we lovingly call a “faceversary”
“Sheryl, you’ve done so much to grow our community, our business and our culture these past 8 years, and to help me grow as a person. I can’t imagine being on this journey to connect the world without you.” He adds.
Today we’re celebrating Sheryl’s 8 year anniversary at Facebook — or what we lovingly call a “faceversary”.Sheryl,…
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Wednesday, March 23, 2016