Last year in a bid to close the gender technological gap, a women’s technology hub, WITU (Women In Technology Uganda) began hosting a monthly networking event to bring together all the women of Uganda that are in the tech world; professionals, experts, employers and employees, students and business owners.

The start of this meet-up was a success because the ladies believed in the purpose and took part in it. As such, WITU was able to hold about 5 such meet-ups throughout the year. The ladies turned up in good numbers, discussed achievements, aspirations, failures, experiences, you name it.
From these meet ups came solutions, partnerships, mentorships and immense growth. This year the Women in Technology in Uganda are setting out to do so much more, better so they are inviting all girls & ladies out there who pertake in the interest in technology in whatever form to their first meet-up this year. This is the start of an even greater purpose. Join all the other ladies this Friday 5th February at 5:30 pm at the WITU Hub.[related-posts]
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