Facebook upgrades its iOS app with new 3D Touch features

Image Credit: Lauren Hurley/PA Wire Image Credit: Lauren Hurley/PA Wire
Image Credit: Lauren Hurley/PA Wire

Facebook’s iOS app is getting an update iPhone 6S users will appreciate: new 3D Touch actions.

The social network is beginning to roll out support for new “peek and pop” 3D Touch actions in its iOS app. The update, which is starting to roll out to iPhone 6S users Thursday, allows iPhone 6S users to utilize 3D Touch while browsing their News Feed and other areas of the Facebook app.

Facebook first began rolling out support for 3D Touch last year, but it only added quick actions, which you can access from the app’s icon on your home screen.

With the newest update, Facebook has expanded its support for the feature with new “peek and pop” gestures. Pressing lightly on a profile, link, Page, group or photo will trigger a preview of the content while pressing harder will open the link, photo, profile or group.

Facebook says the update will begin to roll out to a small number of iPhone 6S users Thursday and will be available more widely in the coming months. The update is also welcome news for those waiting for more developers to take advantage of 3D Touch.

Apple introduced 3D Touch last year with the iPhone 6S. The feature is powered by the addition of pressure sensitive senosors in the iPhone’s display that are able to detect subtle variations in pressure. It, along with Live Photos, is one of the iPhone 6S’ flagship features.

But, as with most major new features, it’s taken some time for developers to take full advantage of the capabilities afforded by 3D Touch, particularly since it’s limited to people who have the newest iPhone. But now that Facebook and other major names are beginning to expand their support, it’s likely more developers will begin to experiment with the features.
