Mobile Apps Paving the Way for Development in Developing Countries

Peek-Vision-iphone-appWe all know how mobile apps are helping to make our lives more convenient, and many of us often lose ourselves in the drive to secure better gadgets, better technology, bigger screens, and more reliable connectivity. But did you know that across the globe, many third-world nations are now experiencing revolutionary progress thanks to mobile apps?

When Google launched its Global Impact Challenge, it also ushered in a new era where we use our newfound technology to help develop apps and services that could be used to make the lives of others all over the world better. Gaming Realms, developers of mobile gaming website Spin Genie, have said that there were 1 billion smartphone users in the world in 2012, but this figure is rising exponentially. Some even say that the figure could rise to 2 billion by the end of 2015. Much of this growth is due to the adoption of smartphones in third-world countries, where cheaper alternatives to major brands are being developed and launched. Today, apps have transcended their origins as recreational tools, and arguably have achieved some truly inspiring results.

In Kenya, eye examinations are made possible with Peek.

Many of us don’t even give a visit to the eye doctor a second thought, but in developing countries, this can be a luxury. An app called Peek, however, makes it possible to detect cataracts and perform simple vision tests with nothing but a mobile phone and a clip-on device. The app was tested in Kenya, with spectacular results.

In Honduras, mobile apps are used to aid emergency response.

In the event of a calamity or natural disaster, physical aid can take hours, especially in developing countries. Researchers have created Global MedAid in response to this, allowing victims of calamities to have easy access to instructions on what to do should they find themselves in an emergency situation. It also allows them to contact and communicate with experts and authorities.

In Uganda and Tanzania, water sanitation is the focus of mobile development.

Sadly, many parts of the world still lack access to clean, safe drinking water, and many are still clueless as to how to improve their sanitation procedures. In Uganda and Tanzania, they are making use of a revolutionary app called Taarifa, which collects information from professionals and amateurs alike in order to come up with new ways to sanitize water, no matter where you are in the world or what materials you find yourself presented with.

Mobile technology is something that many of us take for granted, but unbeknownst to the majority, they’re actually changing the face of the world. Through providing accessible technology and information to third-world countries, advances in mobile technology are paving the way for development.