During the reading of the 2009/2010 financial budget, Government imposed a ban on importation of used computers into the country with a view of combating the accumulation of electronic waste.
Whilst this was for good intention, there has been a general outcry that this ban has stifled economic activities. As a result traders and other stakeholders have vehemently resisted the ban and petitioned against it.
Based on their petitions and other considerations Cabinet on 2nd November 2011 directed the Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) in consultation with the Ministry of ICT to review the ban on importation of used computers in view of the need to spread the use of computers through provision of affordable computers, while taking note of concerns relating to electronic waste management.
NITA-U has recently concluded an Impact Assessment Study on the ban on importation of used computers in Uganda and is holding a stakeholder validation workshop today Thursday 14th August 2014 at Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) Conference Hall-Statistics House Kampala to validate the Consultancy Report on Impact Assessment on the ban on importation of used computers and to validate the Draft National Information Technology (IT) Accreditation and Certification Framework.
The Accreditation and Certification Framework is aimed at ensuring IT Service Providers, IT Education and Training institutes and IT professionals conform to minimum acceptable standards thereby ensuring quality delivery of IT services in the country. The framework is beneficial to IT Service providers, IT Education and Training Institutions, IT Professionals, IT Consumers and Government.