Cyber Security Africa on 25th April held the 3rd annual East Africa Banking and ICT Security Summit at the Sheraton Hotel, Kampala under the theme; ‘Strengthening Banking and ICT Development in Africa’.
The summit that was co-hosted by National Information Technology Authority Uganda (NITA-U), ICT Association of Uganda (ICTAU) and SABRIC explored the various crimes in the banking and financial sector as well as solutions to banking fraud, IT security threats, risk and regulatory issues affecting financial institutions, government agencies & other organizations among others.
The one day event kicked off by opening remarks from Mr. Luke Mulunda, the Operations and Communications Manager of Cyber Security Africa and was graced by the Minister for Information and Communications Technology, Hon. Eng. John Nasasira and the Executive Director NITA-U who gave a brief on the Uganda Cyber Law.
“With cooperation within the ICT Sector we can achieve success and development in Uganda”, the Honorable Minister
There were a couple of presentations by representatives from Kaspersky Lab Russia, EliteVAD United Arabs Emirates, SABRIC South Africa, Eacademy Group, Eclectics International Ltd and the National Water & Sewerage Corporation who discussed ideas on articulating and implementing appropriate information risk management strategies, specifically looking at key security issues on core banking systems, software, mobile banking, cards and payments, fraud and risk management solutions.
“Crime fighting in the Cyberspace should be a collective effort” – Susan Potgieter, a delegate from SABRIC South Africa. She added that an Inter-bank data repository should be created for information sharing as it’s vital to combat ATM crimes.
Micheal Volkov from Kaspersky Lab Russia emphasized ”You have to secure both your Computer and Mobile devices because they can be easily compromised. Attackers will not go for the banks and financial institutions because they know these ones can afford high end security, so end users will be their main targets”.
There was a high turn up from most of the local banking, credit and other financial institutions who sent a couple of their officials to participate and represent their issues at the summit. Other private companies and individuals in the ICT sector also came to the event.
EliteVad Dubai, Kaspersky Lab Russia, Eacademy group, Eclectics International Ltd, SAB and Air Uganda were also sponsors at the event.