At their first meeting since their February 21st election, the Directors of the ICT Association of Uganda (ICTAU) last week voted respective Office Bearers, effectively constituting the first substantive Board of Directors since the Association’s May 2013 launch.
SMS Media’s Director of Business Convergence and founding Chairman Simon Kaheru retained his seat, as did the General Secretary, Albert Mucunguzi and vice Chairman, Michael Niyitegeka.
According to the ICTAU Constitution, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) only votes into office “Directors” without assigning them any offices. The Board of Directors then vote amongst themselves who takes the various offices.

The Association held its first AGM late last month, and was attended by representatives of government’s industry regulators National Information Technology Authority (NITA-U), and Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), with the election presided over by NITA-U’s Executive Director, James Saaka.
The Association has set out to achieve the grand mission of setting up an “effective network between all practitioners, researchers, policy makers, government and industry to facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration”, and the new Board – its first fully constituted Board of Directors – should be a step in the right direction.
Mr Kaheru had spoken ahead of the February AGM, stressing the commitment by at least some of members, something that will have to be critical for the success of this Association.
“The Association is young and still in its formative stages so it is important that we do things correctly right from the beginning. We intend to be active as an Association and as individual members for a very long time to come, and we will stand out in Uganda as we do so,” he said.
Here’s the full list of the Board of Directors:
Chairman: Simon Kaheru
Vice Chairman: Michael Niyitegeka
Secretary General: Albert Mucunguzi
Heads of Committees:
Education & Training Committee – James Wire
Audit Committee – Eng. Darlington Sakwa
Finance Committee – Charles Olupot
Development Committee – Kyle Spencer
Administration Committee – Boaz Shani
Human Resource Committee – Evelyn Namara
Members Representatives Committee – Simon Vass