Gaming International Crosses Borders with Online and Mobile Betting

The winner of the eGaming Master Championship receives the grand prize
The winner of the eGaming Master Championship receives the grand prize

Conventional methods of betting have been a thing in Uganda for a while ever since the introduction of sports betting in Uganda in the early 2000’s, and has spread across the region.

It basically a client (user) walking into a gaming outlet, list the games they want to bet for, pay and the agent takes them through the placing of the bet and later hands them a receipt. They then wait for the results and return to the agent with the receipt.

Unfortunately for betting companies, potential customers just want to know how they can easily use the service.

That’s the problem Gaming International (GI) is seeking to address. GI made use of the digital revolution to ease the process, especially for the corporates, who found it really hard to stand queues to bet. Last year, GI deployed the first online and mobile (SMS) sports betting service in the region. However, it only supported Ugandan clients.

At the start if this season, GI launched a new platform usable across multiple countries.

Below is an excerpt of an interview with James Simon Mpanga (JSM), CEO at Gaming International, shortly after the launch:

PC Tech: Tell us about GI and your new platform

JSM: GI has been in existence since 2009. Within just two years, we have grown to be the leading sports entertainment company in Africa with a footprint across several countries. We at GI have always prided ourselves in exploring new technology to improve quality and bring the service closer to our clients, hence pioneering our eGaming Service. This season sees us launch a new version. We partnered with Adtel  Communications, a Ugandan tech firm, to develop this solution. Currently, it can be used by both Kenyan and Ugandan clients. We are soon having more countries on board, and everyone gets to bet in their local currency.

PC Tech: How does eGaming work?

JSM: With GI’s eGaming service, everyone can place a bet on the go anytime, anywhere, without having to visit any of our premises or outlets. You can do it either on our website or by SMS. Any phone works, no need for internet access. All one needs to do is create an account, and the rest is as easy as 1-2-3. You even get to receive SMS and email notifications when you win, credit your account or withdraw your winnings.

PC Tech: What does eGaming mean for the market?

JSM: This is the only service of its kind in Africa and the world. It is customized for the African environment. eGaming opens the doors to everyone. There is no more need to queue up at betting centres. This gets everyone involved and saves up time to relax and engage in other work or activities you love. You definitely get an adrenaline rush. Your heart beats faster, you’re deep in the action, you cheer your team.