Facebook on wednesday filed a complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in an attempt to get its hands on a number of domain names containing the word ‘facebook’. While it does that on a regular basis (as any company should, especially of that size), some of the domains it is asking to be transfered are mildly amusing and / or a bit odd. [related-posts] Some of the contested domain names include;
- Myspace-Facebook.com
- FacebookSafetyPup.com
- FacebookLikesPages.com
- Fäcebook.org
- FacebookAteMyBaby.com
- fastfacebookproxy.com
- facebookpeople.com
- facebookmsn.com
- facebookemail.com
- facebook.info
- facebookconnect.com
- facebookdeveloper.comaboutfacebook.com
- facebookbabes.com
- facebookcheats.com
- facebookclub.com
- facebookdevelopment.com
- facebookfest.com
- facebookintegration.com
- facebookjournal.com
- facebookking.com
- facebookland.com
- facebooksafety.com
- facebookstudio.com
- facebookstuff.com
- freefacebookapps.com
- friendsonfacebook.com
- fundraisingwithfacebook.com
- joinusonfacebook.com
- killfacebook.com
- moneyfromfacebook.com
- moneywithfacebook.com
- newfacebookapplication.com
Credit: TNW