Twitter Kills TweetDeck for iOS and Android

tweetdeck_iosTwitter has finally confirmed that it has retired API v1 and is transitioning to its new API v1.1. This means that a number of Twitter apps which will bite the dust, including a series of (Twitter-owned) TweetDeck for iOS, Android and Adobe AIR, SilverBird and DestroyTwitter.

Most popular apps have heeded the many warnings from Twitter, and transitioned to API v1.1 to retain their access to Twitter but some independent developers have already called it a day, due to usage restrictions that were imposed on smaller apps.


Twitter actually extended the life of API v1 by one month — after originally announcing May 7 as the shutdown date — but that was to enable it to run more “blackout” tests and other trials to ensure stability as API v1.1 takes over.

TweetDeck for Mac and PC will stick around for now, and they will closely follow the feature updates that will debut on the Web and Chrome versions of the app. Those Web editions will be the primary TweetDeck experience, and will get rollouts of new Twitter features and updates first.

Today’s retirement is unlikely to affect any popular apps — since developers have been well aware of the impending transition for some time, and can largely continue affected — but it is a clear milestone of Twitter’s once open ecosystem becoming more restricted.

Credit: TNW