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Who’s got the best TV tech?

Sky, Virgin Media and BT Vision offer a range of TV apps, services andhardware. Which are the the ratings winners? Television today means more than a screen that sits in the corner delivering programmes to a schedule.
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Current services offer a complete package of intelligent set-top boxes, on-demand programming delivered over the internet, mobile apps, and plenty more.In this feature, we take a comprehensive look at the hardware and services being promised by Britain’s major television suppliers: Sky, Virgin Media, BT Vision, YouView, plus the phalanx of hardware and online services that aren’t tied to a particular provider.

We examine the sophistication of their set-top boxes, options for allowing you to record programmes when you’re away from home, and apps that provide access to live and on-demand programmes when you’re out and about.Television services are evolving at a rapid pace.

For customers already tied to a particular service, our feature could reveal a little-publicised gem you’re missing out on with your current service provider, or give you the excuse you’ve been waiting for to switch to a better-equipped rival.

Equally, our rundown of what’s on offer from the subscription-free alternatives might make you wonder why you’re handing over hundreds of pounds per year to companies such as Sky, Virgin Media or BT.

source: PC PRO