The new features are NeoInternet 95th percentile billing, which enables customers to pay for the line speed of only 95 percent of their total usage and NeoBroadband Booster, which allows customers to increase internet bandwidth on demand within minutes.
The first of these enhancements, NeoInternet 95th percentile, creates the flexibility for companies to operate with high usage periods when they need them, but only pay for the bandwidth used that excludes the 5% highest usage period.
Its advantage is that- a customer with access to a 10Mbps line who, for example, only uses 6Mbps for 95% of the month is given the option to select a 95th percentile billing resulting in the customer paying for a 6Mbps line, while retaining access to 10Mbps for times of heavy usage.
Abid Qadiri, Chief of Business Solutions and Excellence at Neotel, says, “In most cases customers have peaks and troughs in their internet usage. Neotel is simply saying that we will not charge our customers for the 36 hours of highest usage of their billing period; in so doing we give them the flexibility of a high internet usage without unnecessarily incurring the increased cost.”
The result of this billing is that a customer gets, in essence, 36 hours of free data transfer per billing period of 1 month. Neotel will find the 36 hours of the most intensive bandwidth usage in a month and discard them, leaving the customer to pay for the remaining 95 percent of their usage.
The second innovation, NeoBroadband Booster, gives customers the ability to independently manage their Internet speeds online through the Neotel web portal. With this, Neotel’s corporate customers can now instantly upgrade the speed of their connection for a period of time in response to the business needs.
Any NeoBroadband customer that is directly connected to Neotel’s fibre network will have the ability to boost their line speed up to 15Mbps through Neotel’s customer service portal.
The boost is provisioned in real time and the customer’s line speed is increased immediately for a period specified by the customer. The increased speed on the unshaped, uncapped connection and the per hour fee structure, gives Neotel’s customers the ability to manage the maximum possible demand within their business without having to permanently upgrade their service.
Qadiri explains that NeoBroadband Booster will allow businesses to respond to increased demand for access whether it is to do the payroll processing at the end of the month or to accommodate increased traffic on their website due to a new product or service launch. Whatever the reason, Neotel will enable the customer to boost the line speed to accommodate the need.
“Neotel’s focus is to be a partner of choice enabling a new world of communication and services, offering secure and reliable connectivity. We continue to bring innovative solutions to customers, while giving them the efficiency of our fibre network,” concludes Qadiri.