
PYTHONIC: Just-In-Time operations for your business today

JIT is an inventory strategy companies employ to increase efficiency by receiving or sending goods only when needed in the sales, storage, sourcing, distribution and production processes, thereby reducing resource wastage and costs.

PYTHONICâ„¢ is a system from Smart Business Intelligence that enables businesses to adopt JIT operations and enjoy efficiency and reduced wastage of business resources in sourcing, storage, production and distribution. Pythonic is a combination of a data collecting tool and an analytics engine to provide real time visibility with reports straight to your smartphone, tablet or computer.

Inventory Management

For retailers, it means goods arrive just before hitting the shelf for customer purchase. Track your stock performance with real time analytics on your best-selling products, inventory levels and more, straight to your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

For manufacturers, it means parts and raw materials arrive just before they are added to the final product, and production just matches market demand. Pythonic collects and processes total operational data to provide optimized production, storage, distribution and sourcing plans in real time, by product, geography, customer straight to your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

For distributors, it means buying, storing and issuing the right product, in the right quantity for the right retailer. Pythonic gives you real time visibility over field sales and real time analytics of business position to provide optimized sourcing, storage and distribution plans straight to your smartphone, tablet, or computer.

For consumers, it means finding the products you want on the shelf more reliably, maintaining optimum inventory on hand means a company has more cash, storage, transport and other resources available. An overestimation can result in bloated inventories and wastage, an underestimation results in empty shelves and lost sales.

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