8 climate change apps every tech-savvy advocate needs to download

Your smartphone isn’t only your connection to the world it can also be your connection to the conversation around climate change. Image Credit: cnbc Your smartphone isn’t only your connection to the world it can also be your connection to the conversation around climate change. Image Credit: cnbc
Your smartphone isn’t only your connection to the world it can also be your connection to the conversation around climate change. Image Credit: cnbc

Climate change and the environment are currently top-of-mind around the world.

With the U.N. Climate Summit in Paris underway, many people are finally starting to talk about the ways in which global warming is impacting our lives, and the undeniable need to do something about it.

While discussions around the current state and future of our planet are largely taking place behind closed doors in Paris, where diplomats are negotiating the first comprehensive global warming agreement that would reduce emissions from both industrialized and developing nations, there is a simple way you can bring the talks closer to home through apps.

Your smartphone isn’t only your connection to the world it can also be your connection to the conversation around climate change. With these eight apps, awareness and action are at your fingertips.

1. #climate for social media lovers: Available on iOS
#climate is a customizable app that lets you to discover the latest climate change actions hoping to address the issues that concern you most. Through the app, you can share efforts and their impact through your social media channels, encouraging awareness and monetary support of the efforts most notable to you.

2. Negotiator for the policy person: Available on iOS and Android
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Negotiator app is your portal to all things COP21, allowing virtual participation for the Paris Climate Summit and UNFCCC events. The app grants access to agendas, documents, news and alerts, providing a comprehensive overview of what’s happening in Paris over the course of the event.

3. WWF Together for the animal lovers: Available on iOS and Android
The WWF Together app, created by the World Wildlife Fund, shares the stories of species most impacted by changing climate with vivid visuals and stunning video. The app presents up-to-date wildlife news and facts, along with ways you can act to help curb threats to at-risk animal populations. You can also use the app to share information you learn on social media, accompanied by a 3D origami image of the threatened species in question.

4. Skeptical Science for the debaters: Available on iOS and Android
If you want to have the latest in climate change debunking knowledge at your fingertips, download Skeptical Science before your next debate. Common climate change claims are presented in the app, coupled with thorough information, stats and charts on the reality behind the myths and misinformation.

5. Painting With Time for the artistically inclined: Available on iOS
Painting With Time lets you explore the ways our world is changing from climate shifts with the swipe of your finger, letting you compare visuals to expose the alarming realities of climate change. With Painting With Time, you can also explore the impact of extreme weather events caused by climate change, such as floods and droughts.

6.Earth-Now for the seasoned climate lovers: Available on  iOS and Android
NASA’s Earth-Now app visualizes recent global climate data, pulling information from satellites to create 3D globes depicting a given climate condition. The color-coded globe indicates the strength or weakness of a particular environmental condition, making this app ideal for those who like to track climate change with their own eyes.[related-posts]

7.Climate Counts for savvy shoppers: Available on iOS
Nothing is free from the impact of climate change not even fashion. ClimateCounts rates more than 2,000 major companies, in clothing and other consumer realms, based on how they’re addressing climate change and their environmental impact. You can also use the app to send a message to the company if its climate impact influences your buying habits, positively or negatively.

8.Chasing Ice for the documentary buff: Available on iOS
The Chasing Ice app is an extension of the documentary of the same name, created by noted nature photographer James Balog. The app displays Balog’s beautiful photography and time-lapse video of climate change’s impact on the planet’s rapidly melting glaciers.
