Business East Africa News Orange Technology Telecoms Orange signs binding agreement for the sale of its stake in Telkom Kenya byPC TechNovember 10, 2015
Telecoms The future of television is mobile: Orange Digital Ventures invests in Afrostream byEphraim Batambuze IIIOctober 6, 2015
International News Technology Telecoms Orange Group reorganising: Bruno Mettling to be appointed Deputy CEO (AMEA) byEphraim Batambuze IIIOctober 2, 2015
News Telecoms Orange names 4 CEOs for subsidiaries in Africa and Middle East byEphraim Batambuze IIISeptember 5, 2015
East Africa News Telecoms Helios considering the purchase of a controlling stake in Telkom Kenya byEphraim Batambuze IIISeptember 4, 2015
Acquisition International News Orange Orange increases its interest in Méditel with acquisition of an additional 9% of its capital byPC TechJuly 25, 2015
Airtel News Telecoms Orange in talks to buy Airtel subsidiaries in 4 African countries byEphraim Batambuze IIIJuly 20, 2015
Business Orange Telecoms Orange Business partners with Gemalto to provide highly secure access to cloud-based applications byEphraim Batambuze IIIJune 16, 2015
Orange Orange announces the 5th edition of the Orange African Social Venture Prize byJeddy GenrwotMay 21, 2015