Credit cards are the ultimate tool to minimize your monetary load every month. But have you realized you can use these financial products for shopping as well? Credit cards are known to be a burden as many people fear using them will get them into a debt cycle. That can happen only if you use it mindlessly without proper planning. Using a credit card is all about making good financial plans and sticking with those plans to make the most of this valuable financial tool.
Here are seven best tips to follow for smart shopping with a credit card:
- Pick the right credit card
For smart shopping, begin with a dedicated shopping card. Different types of credit cards serve various purposes. However, each card has a different reward structure and purpose to fulfill based on your goals. For example, there’s an online shopping card available that can get you the best rewards and cashback every time you make an online purchase of a product. Hence, choose the best card for online shopping if you frequently shop online.
- Pay for all purchases through a credit card
Making all of your purchases, whether on large or small items, on a credit card can get you maximum reward points. With small transactions, you can slowly build substantial rewards, while large transactions can lead to good cashback offers, unlocking more benefits and value of your spending. However, when making purchases through a credit card, you should know that these come with interest rates. So, never make purchases beyond your repayment capacity.
- Match your spending with a reward structure
If you enjoy shopping online, why not pick a credit card that gives you extra points for your purchases? It’s a great way to get more back on every buy! Regular online shoppers can take advantage of cards that offer higher cashback on digital deals.
It’s also a good idea to keep more than one card in your wallet for different spending needs and a good credit mix. For instance, you could use one card with great dining rewards when eating out and another one designed to give benefits on fuel purchases. This way, you’ll maximize your reward points across multiple spending categories without much effort.
- Shop through online portals
Most credit card companies tie up with online retailers and come up with the best rewards and benefits to entice more customers. Shopping through these online portals will get you more benefits and rewards. Hence, considering these portals to shop from can be considered a smart shopping tip as who would want to be foolish enough to let go of earning extra rewards and benefits?
- Make the best use of the convenience offered
Smart shopping includes making the most of the convenience offered to you. Nowadays, you can see the option of purchasing certain things on EMIs, and you can even convert your previous purchases on EMIs to ease your repayment load. Take benefit of this feature by converting a payment into affordable EMIs for better repayment opportunities and a great collection of reward points in the future.
- Remember to redeem
Your reward points and benefits on your credit card come with an expiry date. Make sure to tally this period on the credit card provider’s website or application to avoid missing out on the amazing benefits and reward points that you have accumulated over the period. Redeem the points before they expire!
- Check terms and conditions regularly
A key tip for cardholders who want to shop smart is to stay on top of their credit card reward programs, as these can change without notice. Credit card issuers control the terms for points and cashback. Regularly checking your card provider’s website keeps you updated on changes and helps you avoid surprises.
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In the era of smart technologies, it’s time to turn to smart shopping by making the best use of credit cards. It’s about time you overcome your debt cycle fear and start using a credit card wisely. Begin by making small and easily repayable purchases to gain confidence.