Facebook has partnered with WordPress to build a free plugin for Instant Articles

After making Instant Articles open to all publishers—of any size, anywhere in the world at Facebook’s F8 conference, the company has decided to make it easier for publishers to share their content on Facebook.

Facebook has partnered with Automattic, parent company of WordPress.com VIP, to build a free plugin for Instant Articles, which simplifies the process of generating and publishing Instant Articles from WordPress.

At the moment, WordPress publishing platform powers more than 25% of sites on the web, and Facebook expects the solution to help millions of publishers all over the world bring the Instant Articles experience to their readers.

A small group of publishers on WordPress are beta testing the plugin as a seamless way to adapt web content for the Instant Articles format, with a built-in suite of interactive tools that help stories come to life on mobile.

The plugin recognizes the image found in an article and specifies the correct markup so the photo renders properly in the Instant Article. The photo expands to fill the screen when tapped and allows exploration by simply tilting the phone, and many more features.

To read more, visit instantarticles.fb.com and vip.wordpress.com/blog.