What Technologies Does Instagram Use?

There is no doubt that Instagram is a great social media platform. (PHOTO: Souvik Banerjee | Unsplash) There is no doubt that Instagram is a great social media platform. (PHOTO: Souvik Banerjee | Unsplash)
<center>There is no doubt that Instagram is a great social media platform. (PHOTO: Souvik Banerjee | Unsplash)</center>

Have you been using Instagram for a while now and noticed how it has changed over the years? Do you want to know how Instagram is keeping up with the demand of its audience and what kind of technology they are using to do this?

Instagram has taken social media to a whole new level. Although it started out as a simple photo-sharing app, it is now so much more than that. It is now a place where you can share both photos and videos in a multitude of formats for so many people to see, and it is also a place that people started using to make a living.

Influencers are a big thing nowadays and it has become somewhat of a job, and hunting down followers is their number one task. If you are on your journey to becoming an influencer in any niche, bear in mind that the only thing that will make you successful is the number of Instagram followers. There are various ways of attracting followers, one way is by using a growth service like Growthoid, which will save you time and get you great results. The way you are getting more followers is one aspect of the ever-changing world of technology.

If you are curious as to what kind of technology Instagram makes use of, here is everything you need to know.

What does it take to create an app like this?
When it comes to creating an app like Instagram, there are two ways to think about it; it’s either something you think is easy because everyone likes it, or it’s difficult because you have no idea what all the fuss is about. Creating an app like Instagram, especially with the level of success this platform has reached, means doing a lot of research.

Starting out, you need to know exactly what it is that people are on the market for and what kind of app they will be interested in. You will also need to define who your audience would be and what you would need to incorporate into the app, for this audience to want to make use of it. Evaluating your competition is a step not to be missed. These days there are so many different social media platforms and you should know what kind of competition you are working with and what they are doing to drive traffic to their platforms.

Having good PR and promotional strategies is one of the final steps and how you will actually get users to know about your app.

The technology behind Instagram
Although Instagram is just one platform and keeping it running may seem simple, there is a lot of technology that is used just to keep the basics of the app running, and then even more on top of that for additional information.

Django is the core behind the whole of Instagram and the base on which it is built. It is written in Python and used for many other applications as well. Celery and RabbitMQ are what keep your notifications running and keep you updated. The scorer node counts how many times a hashtag is used in content on the app. Pre-processor Node is what gives you all of your filters. Ranker node tells us which hashtags are most popular. And last but not least Hive is used to archive the data on the platform.

These mentioned above are only a few of the technologies that Instagram makes use of, however, there are so many more to think about.

Is Instagram really that good?
Finally, we have the big question. Is Instagram really that good? Well, considering it has managed to reach billions of people globally and has an active user base of over one billion people monthly, it’s safe to say Instagram is a really great, and popular, platform.

There are so many different factors that make Instagram a popular choice for both individuals and businesses alike. From incredibly quality photos, the ability to engage with an audience in a meaningful manner through multiple channels, incredibly fast feedback from an audience, easy sharing options, multiple posting methods, and all the tools available to help you gain more followers quickly, Instagram has it all.

Instagram is not like other platforms that focus their attention on one certain aspect, they pay attention to what their audience wants and needs, and they deliver by constantly upgrading the app with new features to keep users interested, and aiding businesses with many new features specifically meant for them to use.

There is no doubt that Instagram is a great social media platform and at this rate, it seems as if it will only go up from here and get even better.