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3 Steps to Take to Improve Your Digital Security

Internet users should make it a habit to change their password on a monthly basis | Burst Photo.

Internet users should make it a habit to change their password on a monthly basis | Burst Photo.

Digital security experts estimate that hackers attack computers with internet access every 39 seconds throughout the day. Consumers today, are relying more and more on their computer systems to work, learn and shop online. It’s time that they take their online security seriously and into their own hands.

Check out this quick guide on how to prevent getting hacked. Then you’ll know that your devices, data, and identity are all safe.

What is Digital Security?

Digital security means safeguarding your online presence. Digital security works to protect your personal data from being used or sold to other companies.

Digital security also means protecting all of your Internet-connected computer systems from intruders, theft, or attacks. This includes protecting your laptop, phone, tablet, or other hand-held devices.

Types of Attacks

Digital security attacks usually come in the form of viruses, phishing, or hacking. Here’s a closer look at just a few of these threats:

Ransomware infects and restricts your access to other networks. Access is released when you agree to pay a “ransom” or a fee amount.

You’ll get directions on how to pay any ransom amounts. Then you’ll receive a decryption code that unlocks your system. Ransomware fees can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Phishing happens when your data is stolen by an unknown online user. Examples of common data stolen include credit card numbers or login passwords.

Phishing criminals disguise themselves as a known entity. They persuade victims to open their text messages or emails.

These attachments or links contain malicious code. Malware then invades a victim’s system once they open the infected code.

Drive-by Download
drive-by download penetrates your system’s security firewall to install viruses. Drive-by-downloads attack your system’s firewall with code fragments that go unseen. This kind of attack happens when you have no online security installed.

Digital Security Tips

Are you ready to safeguard your identity and devices to the highest level possible? If you are, consider these three, easy steps to show you how to prevent getting hacked and improve your digital security:

  1. Install Current Security Software 

Use a current version of security software on your devices and online browsers. Security or antivirus software is constantly updated to detect the latest versions of malware and other viruses.

There is plenty of free antivirus software that can also protect your personal data when you need to use your device on a public network.

This free antivirus software can isolate possible threats and keep suspicious programs out. It can also help clear out infections and prevent hacking.

  1. Strong Passwords and Log-On Authentications

Ensure that you have strong, individual passwords for your devices. Update your passwords regularly every two or three months.

Use multi-factor authentication systems whenever you can. These authentications use passwords along with other log-in identifiers to give you access to your device.

  1. Safeguard Your Wi-Fi 

Protect your Wi-Fi network by encrypting or hiding it. Use your network router’s Service Set Identifier (SSID) to hide your Wi-Fi and prevent Wi-Fi hacking. You can also protect your router from hackers with its own password.

Final Thoughts
Begin by double checking that your desktop and hand-held devices all have current security software installed. Schedule time for yourself to revise your passwords and multi-authentication questions every few months.

Encrypt your Wi-Fi network and you’ll soon see the best way on how to prevent Wi-Fi hacking.

Check our website for more advice on digital security and how to prevent hacking. Put these tips in place today so you won’t become tomorrow’s victim.

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