Plant Scope team

The team that is developing Plant Scope system led by led by Ms. Christine Kihunde (centre) pose for a group photo after demostarating it to farmers in Bijubwe parish Kiruhura district on Saturday 15th, February 2020. Photo by: PC TECH MAGAZINE/Olupot Nathan Ernest

The team that is developing Plant Scope system led by led by Ms. Christine Kihunde (centre) pose for a group photo after demostarating it to farmers in Bijubwe parish Kiruhura district on Saturday 15th, February 2020. Photo by: PC TECH MAGAZINE/Olupot Nathan Ernest

The team that is developing Plant Scope system led by led by Ms. Christine Kihunde (centre) pose for a group photo after demostarating it to farmers in Bijubwe parish Kiruhura district on Saturday 15th, February 2020. Photo by: PC TECH MAGAZINE/Olupot Nathan Ernest