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How Web Design Can Make or Break Your Profits


Some technologists have claimed that consumers assess a product for up to 90 seconds before they finally make the decision on whether or not to buy it. This seems true even if they’ve already come to a website looking to buy something specific. For this reason, it’s imperative that the flow and function of your website entices users to stick around long enough for them to make purchasing decisions. If your site isn’t designed right, then people might bounce away before they decide to buy anything.

Unfortunately, this can eat into your profits. Consumers might even get the idea that you don’t care much about running your business depending on what they see when they visit your eCommerce page or content blog. The good news is that quality web design can actually encourage people to stick around and have a look at things that they might otherwise have passed by.

The following seemingly simple design choices are probably having a huge impact on your site:

Background Content

While background videos and other widgets can help encourage users to stick around, they can also do a lot to scare them away. Make sure that every multimedia object your post online is eye-catching but not obtrusive. Don’t make your potential customers feel so annoyed that they want to leave your site the moment that they arrive.

You’ll want to apply this same logic to other interactive things you post, as well. Special care needs to be used, for instance, when adding donation forms to your site. You’ll want these to be visible enough that they attract users to send money as a way of saying thank you for great content. However, at the same time, you don’t want them to be obnoxious and disruptive. The same goes for links to your social network accounts and sign-up boxes for email newsletters.

Underlying Technology

This is probably the aspect of web design you think about the least. Every extant web technology can be used profitably today if you’re familiar with the best way to use it. If you’re familiar with at least some basic aspects of managing a site, then you might want to deploy WordPress on your own server. If you’re not as familiar with how code works, then consider trying Wix or Squarespace. These tools allow you to create a custom site without having to worry that you’ll make a mistake in the process.

Image Size

Several popular B2B sales sites have implemented large product images, which help users zoom in and learn more about a product without ever having to request more information Some online auction sites are even encouraging people to upload large images that make it easy for users to scan and scroll even if they’re on a mobile device. If your site still has relatively low-resolution images, then you might want to take this opportunity to upgrade them.

Considering offering thumbnails that users can click on to load full-sized pictures. This cuts down on the risk of you agitating those on slower connections.

White Space

People might make fun of sites designed in the early 2000s, but one thing designers understood back then was the concept of white space. Adding enough negative space makes it easier to navigate a site. While you don’t want your content to run off the user’s screen, you do want to pad it enough so that they can tell where one idea ends and another begins. Don’t feel like you have to cramp everything together.

Some crafty designers even rely on the so-called non-breaking space character so they can be sure that content gets spaced a certain way on their customer’s devices. An overwhelming majority of mobile devices now offer full UTF-8 support, so there’s no reason to not give this a try. Once users are able to clearly see the message in your content, they’ll be more willing to actually invest money into your brand.


If you asked 10 different graphic designers what the best way to typeset your page is, then you’d end up with 11 different answers. There’s nothing more controversial in the field of web design than type. About the only thing people can agree on is the fact that if you overload your site with different fonts, people might bounce away very quickly.

A good rule is to only use two different typefaces on every page. Try using one for headings and the other for body copy. If you limit your use of bold type, then users will be much more likely to treat heavier copy as important.

Redesigning Your Page

Whether you’re selling to an international clientele or restricting your focus to sub-Saharan African markets, web design can make or break your profits.

That’s why it’s so important to choose the best custom web design company that is ready to tackle any challenges you might have prepared for them.

Take a few moments to look over your site and see if you can make any changes today. A few simple tweaks can make a world of difference.

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