Instagram Reportedly Said to be Testing a New Thread-Style Comments in Posts

Instagram's latest update to display your best posts first. Image Credit: Mashable Instagram's latest update to display your best posts first. Image Credit: Mashable
Instagram's latest update to display your best posts first. Image Credit: Mashable

Facebook-owned photo share platform; Instagram is reportedly said to be testing a new look for its comments section in the app. The new design is expected to be less confusing than the one right now and will make it easy to track replies to individual comments.

As mentioned by Mashable website, the replies to comments will now be slightly indented to the right under them. Currently, users get a notification if someone @mentions their name in a comment. With the new design, even replying to a comment that doesn’t mention the user’s name will generate a notification alert.

Since Instagram is still testing the new thread-styled comments in posts, it might take some before the feature reaches all users.

Instagram recently added a feature that makes it easier to label posts as paid promotions, taking what it called a step toward transparency in an area that has drawn attention from US authorities.

The company has said that it allows influencers who are posting a picture to add a “paid partnership with” label. The label appears above the picture.[related-posts]

“As more and more partnerships form on Instagram, it’s important to ensure the community is able to easily recognize when someone they follow is paid to post content,” the company told Reuters earlier this month.

Last month, Instagram added an ‘Archive’ feature in its Android and iOS app. It enables users to hide certain posts from their profile without actually deleting them.

Using the new option, users can temporarily hide posted pictures/videos from their Instagram profiles. To do so, they simply have to click on the menu button on a photo and they’ll see an ‘Archive’ button. Once it’s tapped, the photo/video will be moved to the archive and will no longer show up on the profile.