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Android O To Allow Users Pause and Resume Their System’s Updates

We all have that time where you needed to update your system, and then you find that what you’re updating might require more time or days to make the update finish. This might be a result of maybe slow internet connections, extremely large update, or you’re on the go. Therefore ending an update will require you to start from the beginning.

So, Internet-search firm; Google Corp. have provided a solution to this issue as the company has now added the option to pause and resume system updates to its Android O second developer preview. This means that you can choose to pause and resume the system’s update later as per your convenience.

After the feature was initially spotted by Android Police, Elliott Hughes, an engineer at Google, clarified that this feature is not just limited to large downloads but also works for the smaller downloads on Android O. However, Hughes also mentioned that it might be difficult for users to notice this feature while downloading smaller files. The ability to pause system updates was added with a Google Play Services update but the version number is still unclear, as per the Android Police report.

(Photo Courtesy)

Hughes said that the downloaded parts of interrupted downloads should not be required to be downloaded again and should resume from where they left off.

“The situation of being ‘stuck in a whole loop of re-downloading the same portion of the update every night’ shouldn’t ever have been the case: an interrupted download should always have picked up from where it left off, Hughes said.[related-posts]

Addressing real world issues that are faced by users on daily basis should be an integral part of platform development and this step from the company to improve Android O definitely seems to be in right direction.

source: Android Police and NDTV news

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