The Tech Gadgets Every Marketing Student Needs

Microsoft surface tablet. Image Credit: Microsoft surface tablet. Image Credit:
Microsoft surface tablet. Image Credit:

As a marketing student enrolled in a program at a brick and mortar college or in an online MSM program from a college like New England College, you need a variety of tools to succeed. After all, a marketing curriculum can be challenging, and the right tech gadgets can help you get through your studies with greater ease, while also preparing you for what it’s like to use technology in the real world. So keep reading to learn about a few of the tech gadgets every marketing student needs.

A Cell Phone Case with a Built-In Charger

Let’s face it, college students are busy, and marketing students, in particular, are often spending their days going from one class to another, and perhaps even going to an internship or working on a side project to put their skills to use. And if you are an adult student going for your online MS marketing degree, you might even be working a full-time job in addition to going to school. To keep your cell phone charged throughout the day, consider investing in one of the best tech gadgets out there: a cell phone case that doubles as a charger. Rather than having to search for an outlet, a product like the OtterBox Resurgence will keep you and your device going.

A High-Tech Backpack

In addition to investing in a cell phone case that has a built-in charger, you can also invest in a high-tech backpack for carrying your books, tablet, and laptop without having to worry about finding an outlet for charging them. With built-in USB ports, you can charge multiple devices throughout the day so that you can rest assured that you will have the tech you need whenever you need it, no matter how long your busy day is.

An External Hard Drive

To back up all of your important projects and files, have an external hard drive handy at all times. In this way, if anything were to happen to your computer, you will still have access to all of the assignments that you have completed and the projects that you are currently working on. Because marketing students are always working on a new task for their professors, this is a gadget that you will definitely want to invest in.

A Tablet with Useful Apps Installed

Finally, in addition to your laptop, you should have access to a tablet that will have all of your apps in one convenient place. From apps that can help you stay organized enough to meet all of your deadlines, to those that are designed to make you a more effective online and social media marketer, you can make your life easier with these tools at your fingertips, and you can impress your professors, too.

These are just a few of the modern tech gadgets that are available for every marketing student who wants to make life as a college student easier. New tech products are constantly hitting the market, though, so definitely keep an eye out to see what advancements can make you even more efficient.