Jomo Kenyatta University to Distribute 2000 Locally Assembled Tablets to Kenyan Schools

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) in partnership with Positivo, a local Rwandan laptop manufacturing firm, is set to distribute 2000 tablets to schools in 21 different counties in Kenya.

The Kenyan government insists that its students of all levels should be ICT literate, and for this they need to have access to computers and tablets. All the 2000 tablets have been assembled at a plant located on the JKUAT campus in Nairobi.

The move is in line with Kenya’s ‘One-Laptop per Child’ program which began in 2016. As the name suggests, the program aims to give all students access to a solar powered laptop or tablet. So far, 700,000 tablets and laptops that have been distributed have come from from China.

The new production line at JKUAT assembles tablets from components that have been sent from China and slowly manufacturing is making a comeback to the African continent as technology companies lead at the forefront.


Kenya has already seen the benefit of finishing the final stage of manufacturing locally as it cuts costs alongside providing boosting the country’s economy.

Components are still cheaper to buy from China and creating manufacturing hubs creates employment opportunities, cutting the import costs.

There is huge demand for mobile phones, tablets and laptops world over and if this demand can be met using local assembly lines, Africa can benefit massively.

Kenya is not only manufacturing laptops, phones and tablets as Volkswagen announced in December 2016 that they would  also be opening a production line in the East African State as well as giving over 600 jobs.