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The IEC Announces A New Generation of Smart Charging for Consumer Portable Devices

An iPhone is seen charging. Image Credit: Amazon

An iPhone is seen charging. Image Credit: Amazon

According to a study conducted by a partnership of United Nations organizations, industry, governments and scientists, the amount of global e-waste — discarded electrical and electronic equipment — reached nearly 42 million tons in 2014. By next year it is predicted that the world will produce approximately 50 million metric tonnes of e waste/year.

In an effort to increase consumer convenience and reduce e-waste, the IEC is now enabling a smart charging solution that allows chargers to be re-used for many different consumer portable devices. The IEC has published new International Charging Interoperability Standards that open the way for a new generation of smart and eco-friendly charging solutions that can be used in every country in the world.

Chargers for products ranging from smartphones to high power devices such as notebook computers, will not only be compatible with the same types of devices from different manufacturers, they will also be able to charge a wide range of other kinds of electronics. Consumers will be able to use their notebook charger to charge a tablet or a smartphone or any other portable consumer electronic device.

Likewise, if need be, a smartphone or tablet charger can be used to give a boost to a notebook, albeit at a slower rate.

This new smart charging approach relies on a standardized charging interface defined by the following new IEC International Standards:

  1. IEC 62680-1-3 and 62680-2, based on the latest USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery specifications. These Standards specify the common technologies needed to support charging of devices up to 100 watts.
  2. IEC 63002: Identification and communication interoperability method for external power supplies used with portable computing devices defines interoperability guidelines for chargers and devices that implement the latest USB technologies.

Global market adoption of these International Standards is expected to significantly increase charger re-usability well beyond smartphones and other low power devices, which were enabled by legacy USB technologies and related IEC International Standards.

The standardization of this smart charging interface is supported by global industry as the best approach to enable broad re-usability of different chargers with different products. It ensures charging reliability and provides the flexibility needed for future innovations.

Devices will be able to communicate with the smart charger to accurately identify its capabilities before safely drawing power.

source: Real Wire

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