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Actions on Google Allows Third-Party Developers to Integrate With Assistant

google-assistant. Image Credit: Gadgets 360

google-assistant. Image Credit: Gadgets 360

Among the many products unveiled during the launch of the Pixel Smartphones earlier this week, Google expanded its ecosystem by introducing Google Assistant and Actions on Google. Just like Siri for Apple, Cortana for Microsoft, and Alexa for Amazon, each is limited to the respective companies own devices.

During the launch, the company also announced, its Assistant will be opened to third-party developers., calling it Actions on Google. The programme will open Assistant’s SDK to allow developers to build the Google Assistant into a range of devices starting December.

One of Assistant’s main attractions is that users can speak to it in a conversational style and the virtual assistant will have no problem understanding. Conversations are actions that third-party developers will be able to create using API.AI, apart from straight forward requests that have been termed Direct Actions.

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